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my classmates.我经常和我的同学踢足球。


网友分享:One day, the weather was fine. Siu-ming and a group of small partners into a green lawn for soccer. They are divided into two teams, one team is red team, a team of the yellow team. Xiao-Ming Huan。


踢足球的英语作文如下:Yesterday my companions and I held a football game in the playground. We were divided into two groups, with eleven players on each side. When the game started, both of us played activ。

足球作文英语5句,关于足球的作文英语 第1张




足球优秀作文1 “叮铃铃,叮铃铃”放学铃声响了,小伙伴们争先恐后的欢呼着,冲出教室,来到一大片空旷的草地上。一位同学从书包里掏出一个足球。“哟!原来是要踢足球呀!” 周围几个同学几乎同时把背上的书包往两边一扔,球门成了。一。

5、求学霸写一篇英语作文,是有关于踢足球爱好的作业 要求:要用一个定语

网友分享:goto play football on the yard.And I also like to watch football games.My favourite football star is Kaka.Playing football is a teamwork,so I never paly it myself.when chance appear,I will pass the ball。


I like to do all kinds of sports,in the morning,I will do some jogging and in the evening,sometime I will go to the gym with my friends.My favorite sport is playing tennis,tennis brings my life so 。

足球作文英语5句,关于足球的作文英语 第2张

7、英语作文 sports 5至10句


足球作文英语5句,关于足球的作文英语 第3张

8、my favorite sport 小学生的英语作文 不少于5句话

My favourite sport is playing basketball. I like it very much. And I am very good at it . I think it is good for my health. Michael Jordan is my favourite basketball player. He is great . He is 。


英语作文 篇1 Experts say a shortage of fish and other food is threatening many of the world's penguins. They say as many as ten of the seventeen kinds of penguins may be in danger of disappearing. Wildlife Conservat。