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4. The disallowed goal was a disaster for the team. It could have been adifferent result.那个进球被判无效对球队来说是个灾难性的打击。本来不一定会是这样的结果的.。5. Come on! We will see a fresh team 。

1、足球is what

网友分享:足球运动是一项技术上多彩多姿、战术上变幻莫测、胜负结局难以预测的非周期性运动项目,比赛中运用技、战术时要受对方直接的干扰、限制和抵抗。技、战术是依临场中具体情况而灵活机动地加以运用和发挥。 四、易行性。足球竞赛规则比较简练,。


足球英语:比赛中的胜负积分。Football: the winning or losing points in a match.。


足球比赛规则英文介绍1 Football is the world’s most popylar sport. We play football at the playground. We also have fun when we play football. We also call it soccer.Our students must do exercises every。

足球决定不了胜负吗英语,谁赢了足球比赛用英文怎么说 第1张


soccer的读音是:英 ['s?k?(r)],美 ['sɑ?k?r]。n. 足球,英式足球 例句:The boy who is speaking to Helen enjoys playing soccer.翻译:正在跟海伦谈话的那男孩喜爱踢足球。短语:1。

足球决定不了胜负吗英语,谁赢了足球比赛用英文怎么说 第2张

5、足球竟猜胜负、篮球竟猜胜负、足球进球 怎么翻译

网友分享:足球进球 goal 。


英式英语:soccer 再给你一些有关足球的常用语:field / pitch 足球场 midfield 中场 backfield 后场 kickoff circle / center circle 中圈 halfway line 中线 touchline / sideline 边线 goal line 球门线 end line 底线 。


比赛中的胜负积分 Victory and defeat integral in the competition 比赛中的胜负积分 Victory and defeat integral in the competition 。

足球决定不了胜负吗英语,谁赢了足球比赛用英文怎么说 第3张


网友分享:Some of the many different codes of football.While it is widely believed that the word football originated in reference to the action of a foot kicking a ball, there is a rival explanation, which has it 。

9、足球规则介绍 中英文都要(简短)

网友分享:如果比赛必须决出胜负,则90分钟内两队若打平,进行上下半时各为15分钟的加时赛,若依然打平,则通过罚点球分出胜负。The game is divided into two teams, each team has 11 players (generally, each team is allowed。